Three Fold Solutions for Leakages from Skirting

 Dampness in the wall is a common experience in most buildings, especially near the skirting at floor level. Wall dampness is initially ignored and later takes the shape of a full-blown problem of dampness up to 3’0” which is now within the range of our view especially when we are seated.

It has by now spread to several locations, there is likely microbial bacteria growth and, in some cases, de-bounded of the plaster surface.

The dampness in walls that have risen to the level of 3’0” height and above needs a -

Threefold solution based on the inspection in wet rooms as follows:

      1. Checking all water supply lines using pressure testing gadgets or ultrasonic gadgets.
      2. Inspect all drain lines using a thermal scanner.
      3. Inspecting all tile joints using moisture meter.

Treatment of damp walls based on survey involves solving leakages in plumbing lines.

Water supply and drain, floor tile joint filling.


Injection grouting is based on the extent of seepage through open joints and hollowness

within tiled surfaces

And finally, replastering of the affected wall surfaces by removing existing plaster, coating the wall (brick-block) with cementitious polymer coating, providing injection grouting if required and replastering the surface.


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