"Enhancing Terrace Waterproofing: Top-Up Solutions and Injection Grouting for Modern High-Rise Buildings"

Unlocking the potential of modern high-rise buildings goes beyond their architectural prowess. The terrace, a versatile space combining leisure and utility, plays a pivotal role. However, the integration of additional features post-initial waterproofing can pose challenges. We need to understand the importance of top-up waterproofing applications and injection grouting to fortify terrace waterproofing systems. The Strain on Terrace Waterproofing · Unveiling the demands faced by terrace waterproofing due to high-rise building design and increased terrace utilization · Shedding light on the limitations posed by plot sizes and higher F.S.I, intensifying strain on terraces · Emphasizing the significance of a robust waterproofing foundation prior to incorporating recreational and utility facilities. Challenges Introduced by Additional Terrace Facilities · ...