Waterproofing Solutions in Mumbai

Waterproofing Solutions in Mumbai The terrace and façade are the immediate surfaces that receive rain and can lead to leakage in the upper floor through the terrace and the entire building envelope through the façade. A call from an eleven storied residential apartment in Versova, Andheri (W), Mumbai in April’22 resulted in a general visit and survey of affected apartments revealing the extent of leakage that has impacted the top floor ceilings and walls of the apartments, especially in the south and west façade from lower floors upwards. A mix of preventive and curative waterproofing joint fillers and liquid applied membrane in the terrace floor, parapet walls, parapet top and affected façade walls in the South and West Façade has resulted in providing a new lease of life to the general health of the building while resolving the long-standing leakage issues which were only increasing on a year-on-year basis. A successful terrace leakage solution and waterproofing t...